Friday, October 21, 2011



An empty shot. Narration begins.

“An axe.......”

An axe springs up in a mans hand from the bottom of the screen.
the shot begins to pan out to reveal the man holding the axe.

“that belonged to a woodcutter”
(man stands with the axe in one hand and the other hand on his hip)

“Who, through his kind heart and honesty..”
(man puts his hand to his heart and looks at the axe confidently)

CUT TO. A close up on the mans mouth, he is grinning widely and his teeth reflect light.

“Received both a silver and gold axe from a fairy after accidentally dropping his old axe in a river close to his home..”

CUT TO. Close up of mans face, he is pondering....

“This young woodcutter, pondering the truth of this story, was very eager to find out exactly what would happen if he too dropped his old axe into a nearby river.” (He looks to the sky as an idea is illustrated above his head.)


CUT TO.Wide shot of a pond centre screen. Man walks into shot from right of screen.

“OK, so a pond is the closest thing to a river this woodcutter has...” (man looks at screen slightly disappointed)

CUT TO. over the shoulder shot from man to pond. Man is getting closer to pond.

“but never the less he trotted towards the pond in hope that the tale would be proven right and his pockets filled tight.”

CUT TO. Wide shot of man standing next to pond right of screen. He 'accidentally' chucks the axe into the pond then taps his fingers in anticipation.

CUT TO. Medium shot of man with the pond in front of him. He kneels to the floor whilst looking into the pond promisingly.

“So from this moment he patiently waits, for now he has no axe. Relying on the hope that events reoccur, and indeed this tales a fact.”

CUT TO. a wide shot of pond, the man restlessly moves around the pond as time goes by.(fast forward?)

CUT TO. Close up of the young man who now looks impatient.

“Though the longer he waits the more his patience is tested, for there seems to be no fairy with gold as suggested... he knows that by now he should get on his way ..and probably buy a new axe on pay day.”

CUT TO. Wide shot of pond and man. The man gets up in a frustrated manner, stares at the pond for a few seconds and then storms off, exiting to the right of screen.

Shot lingers....

CUT TO. Close up of pond. Fairy is floating in the pond holding a gold axe with the mans old axe through its head. Shot fades to black.

“What this man didnt consider though... was that the woodcutter from the tale didnt throw.....”


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