A book centre screen. It opens and the camera angle changes from birds eye view to horizontal view of book. A few 2D trees then pop up from the book.
Narration begins.
“An axe.......”
A wooden axe pops up from the book
“that belonged to a woodcutter”
A figure of a woodcutter pops up directly behind axe.
Shot begins to slowly zoom in.
“Who, through his kind heart and honesty..”
CUT TO. Close up of a tree trunk.
“Received both a silver and gold axe wooden axe flies in to shot from the right of screen cutting the tree trunk, pulling back out and exiting right of screen from a fancy fairy after accidentally dropping his old axe again, the wooden axe flies in to shot from the right of screen cutting the tree trunk, pulling back out and exiting right of screen into a river, close to where he’d been cutting, in Greek lands..”
A hand flies into shot from right of screen and rests upon the tree trunk.
“This young woodcutter, shot zooms out. Wide shot of young woodcutter to the right of the tree trunk with one hand upon the tree and the other holding the wooden axe, he is pondering....
pondering the truth of this story,
appeared rather curious in finding out exactly what would happen if he too dropped his old axe into nearby water.”
CUT TO. Wide right angled shot of a pond centre screen. Young woodcutters legs appear from left of screen and scamper across, exiting right of screen.
“and so there he went, trotting towards the pond in hope that the tale would be proven right and his pockets filled tight.”
The young woodcutter re-enters right of screen, now a lot closer to the pond, he scampers up to it.
CUT TO. Over the shoulder shot of woodcutter, he swings the axe off his shoulder and into the pond.
CUT TO. Wide shot of the pond and woodcutter with his arm still reached out from the throw. A splash jumps from the pond suggesting the axe has fallen into the pond. The woodcutter taps his fingers in anticipation.
CUT TO. Wide left angle shot looking down onto the pond and woodcutter from above. He starts to rotate in the same position around the pond.
“So from this moment he patiently waits, for now he has no axe. Relying on the hope that events reoccur, and indeed this tales a fact...........
He starts to rotate in different positions around the pond.
Though the longer he waits the more his patience is tested, for there seems to be no fairy with gold as suggested.... He knows that by now he should get on his way... and probably buy a new axe on pay day.”
CUT TO. Medium shot of the woodcutter kneeling down and leaning against the pond sign post (last position). He is looking frustrated and hits his head against the pond sign once, and then once again. He looks at the pond as his expression changes from frustrated to annoyed, he huffs, gets up, kicks the pond sign and then exits to the left of screen.
Shot begins to pan down to the knocked over sign, passing the sign it continues to pan down into the water. Tiny fishes begin to swim past both directions of the screen, a pond plant then appears from the bottom of the screen followed by the wooden handle of the axe which then reveals the axe that is now wedged in the head of the fairy that is lying at the bottom of the pond stunned and clutching the golden axe.
“What this man didnt consider though... was that the woodcutter from the tale didnt throw.....”